Welcome to Sean O’s place on the web for experimenting with web technology.

Web Developers

“Web Developer” is a pretty general term that can have a variety of meanings.

A “web developer” working in a large corporation may be assigned to work in a very specialized area, all day, every day. Along comes a company re-org, and SHA-ZAM!, they’re assigned a different specialized area.

A small shop web developer may be required to provide code, content, design, branding, hosting, security, SEO, marketing… you get the idea.

I’m a combination of the two developers described above. I’ve worked many years with a large corporation building web interfaces, but I also have several independent web development projects in various stages of completion. My specialties in the former position were building responsive UIs for all the major browsers, implementing analytics, accessibility and secure code, and working closely with designers, Java developers, QA and project managers to deliver high quality web applications.

The Clock Is Ticking

With the speed at which web development is moving, a key question for each of these developers would be: “What have you been working on in the past few years?”, because most web technologies more than a few years old have become obsolete.

This site provides a place to document information related to some of the areas I’ve explored related to “web development” in both the corporate world and with my own projects. Most corporate projects I’ve worked on are under access control and are constantly being updated. A few independent projects are listed below. I’m always looking for feedback so if you have anything you would like to share, please let me know at [email protected].

Thanks for stopping in!

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